Building Confidence and Achieving Results with the Measures that Matter Most

Your mountain is yours. Don’t compare your start or middle to someone else’s or you will never persist.

– Pat Greco

In this roundtableDr. Pat Greco shares tools and resources to improve student learning, student and staff safety and achieve results with the measures that matter most. 

In the discussion groups, Pat challenged education leaders to reflect and assess their processes and challenges:

  • What is one strength your team should celebrate right now? How do you know that is a strength? What is one priority, or challenge, you and your team are working on and plan to monitor closely? Why did you select that challenge?
  • What results or barriers are you noticing now? What measures or feedback will be most helpful to understand current performance? How could you better assess the barriers?
  • Who are you involving in your process? How do you capture the data, how often, and what you are learning? What do you think you will learn? What meeting structures have you found helpful to engage your team?


Roundtable Resources

Measuring What Matters

The definition of a high performing organization continues to evolve. Kaiser Associates, a business strategy and consulting firm, defines a high-performing culture as "an organization that performs better than its peers in regards to business performance, innovation, employee productivity and engagement, over a sustained period of time."

Values Guide Resilience

Let your values guide your team to build resilience. An organization's values help leaders stay focused and on track while leading change. Values help leaders and teams make decisions, focus on what matters, and clearly define success aligned to the purpose of the organization.

Communicating What Matters to the School Board Ahead of Reentry

A very different school environment is right around the corner. As schools and organizations prepare for reentry, communication around the changes we'll see in classrooms and on campuses will be key. To successfully implement changes needed to make schools safer, while also driving progress, communication between the school district and school board will need to be effective and crystal clear.

The Toolkit

Return to Learn: Organizational Excellence Execution and Improvement

The practices and tools in this toolkit provide a framework for deploying a process that aligns measures, actions, input, results and conversations to help the team stay focused on serving students and their families well and providing them with an excellent education.

Future Roundtable Sessions

Each week, our coaches lead a discussion with a community of leaders who are facing similar challenges. These 60-minute sessions are free and allow opportunities to learn from expert leadership coaches and have candid conversations with other leaders about barriers, share successful practices, and re-center on what works.

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