Stimulate a results-driven mindset.
We’ve finally reached the start of a new school semester and with that comes the execution of new plans. On today’s episode, Studer Education Coach Dr. Melissa Matarazzo, and Studer Education Coach Dr. KK Owen, join Janet to discuss their perspective around returning to learn based on their experiences with school leaders across the country. While it will be essential to build confidence that students and employees are safe, we have to get back to our core business: student learning.
This episode addresses questions, such as:
- What can we do to get students back on track to a positive learning trajectory?
- When changes occur quickly, how will we monitor and adjust?
- How can we stay focused on our goals and not get distracted?
Featured Episode Resources
Return to Learn Toolkit: Organizational Excellence Execution and Improvement
These times call for leaders to be aligned and tight in their approaches to manage uncertainties and change. Now, more than ever, we need to attend to our core business: ensuring that students have every opportunity to learn and succeed.
How Do We Know if it's an Improvement?
Before we implement initiatives or changes, it can be useful to engage in a process to clearly define the need for improvement or the problem to be solved. When we talk about improvement and innovation, we aren’t just talking about big insights that change the world. Improvement is eliminating unnecessary hassle, solving problems, and creating better outcomes.
Leading a Successful Reentry
In "normal" times when things are relatively predictable, strong leadership is desired. When unpredictable times appear, strong leadership is essential. Even the strongest organizational structures bring tremendous challenges that impact results. Our old way of doing business simply will not work. In this toolkit, our goal is to provide resources that educational leaders can use to achieve excellence while navigating this difficult time.
Leader Action Planning with 30-45-60-Day Huddles
As leaders collaborate to discuss upcoming goals and strategy and to cascade down to their teams, we recommend completing a leader action plan to clearly define next steps and monitor progress. Leaders and individuals can also use this template to provide clarity and progress monitoring around their upcoming action steps.
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Connect with Coaches and Guests
The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.
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