EP227: New Year, Positive Mindset

In this episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher challenges us to shift to a positive mindset. Listen as she shares tips on how we can shift our minds to focus on the positive and to find the good in every [...]

EP228: Be Curious

Through the experiences Mary shares about her path from TV news anchor and reporter to her current role as Creative Content Analyst, we're reminded of the value of being curious.

EP226: The Best Gift We Can Give

In this episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher challenges us to get creative. Listen as she shares ideas for making memorable experiences with others as well as examples of spending quality time with team [...]

EP225: Getting the Groove Back

In this episode, Student Orchestra Director Christina Clark Frierdich joins us to share about overcoming challenges, finding creative opportunities and staying fueled with purpose in difficult times.

EP222: The Danger of Victim Mentality

Dr. Janet Pilcher discusses what victim thinking can look and sound like and why it's toxic to workplace cultures. Listen as she shares action steps for identifying and overcoming victim thinking.