Understand the role we play in our rural communities.

Leadership is a full-time job that requires relentless commitment. For leaders in rural communities, there is an added challenge of everyone knowing you personally as well. Today, Randy Drost, Superintendent of Rice Lake Area School District joins Janet to share about leading in his hometown community, Rice Lake, Wisconsin. Listen as Randy and Janet discuss the connectedness, challenges and role school leaders play in rural communities.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What are some of the bright spots of leadership in a rural community?
  • How do you balance being a member of a community as well as a leader who has the responsibility for holding people accountable?
  • Why are school districts an important piece of rural communities?

Featured Episode Resources

hard decisions9P | THE HARDEST DECISIONS

As leaders we care about the individuals who make up our teams. We want people to be successful personally and professionally. When it comes to dealing with low performing employees, we can be tender-hearted and make excuses for why we ignore their behavior. We often think we can help the problem people change and improve. However our reluctance to address low performers can actually be doing more harm than good for our teams.

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accountable leadership9P | DEAL WITH PROBLEMS

Have you identified the problem people in your organization? Are there individuals who are low performing and reinforce silos infecting your departments? An education leader reveals the hard truth around why leaders avoid dealing with low performers and the consequences of tolerating their behavior.

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leadership urgency9P | TIME MANAGEMENT GRID

The world we live in is fast paced and continuously changing. It’s common to have overlapping commitments that require immediate attention. We’ve likely all seen how improper time management can easily lead to excess stress and a false sense of urgency. So how can one manage the never-ending list of incoming responsibilities, maintain a work/life balance and still make progress on their goals?

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How do you become a leader that everyone wants to work for? Lead by permission and not by authority. Every boss has a title. That title gives them the authority to lead, make decisions, delegate, instruct and discipline. Successful leaders view their title and role as an honor given to them by their employees. Their employees want to work for them because they’re great leaders — not because they are in a position of authority.

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