Routines provide structure and comfort within our teams. Rituals go beyond providing structure to instill a deeper meaning behind a sequence of actions. As we continuously navigate change, we [...]
In this roundtable, Dr. Janet Pilcher shares tips to build cross-functional, agile teams to follow an iterative approach to getting things done without going through layers of review and approval.
Does your child need help keeping up with schoolwork? Coach your child to keep track of the work and to figure out when to do it. In this episode, we break down two ways to get your child [...]
What skills do we need to cultivate now to lead our organizations into the future? In this episode, Janet challenges the solution of reorganizing the hierarchical structures within our [...]
CREATING A CULTURE OF CAMPUS INNOVATION AND OWNERSHIP We recruit and hire talented people to generate new ideas, solve complex problems and help us achieve our mission. Yet within large [...]
Politics, violence, hate... These topics aren't often discussed in our workplaces. Yet people on our teams are feeling pain, disbelief, fear, anger, confusion, and frustration. As leaders, our [...]
More than ever, educators face continuous pressure to reform established practices in order to improve outcomes. For many organizations, this means moving from an episodic to a continuous [...]
"I'm just not good at it." If you've ever heard this statement, your child might need a confidence boost. In this episode, we offer parents 5 tips for boosting learner confidence, especially when [...]
In this roundtable, Leader Coach Nannette Johnston was joined by Kentucky Superintendent Deanna Ashby to discuss the power of seeing your system through the eyes of the closest to the work and [...]
Continuous improvement is a process, a mindset, and a set of tools. It's organization-wide and specific to each individual. At its core are the people who do the work. Through sustained, [...]